«Eridon BUD» got a prestigious business status for the first time.
This is a success worthy of a leader!
High job performance standards of “Eridon BUD” LLC are rewarded with the upscale status «Leader of the Year 2016».
Leaders of the rating are companies which not only run a business but also care about employees, communicate with partners and customers, introduce innovations and move with the times.
We are proud to gain recognition.
Let’s create a positive image of the country together!
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Collaboration between Eridon Bud and RKD

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Eridon Bud has successfully passed ISO certification

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«Eridon BUD» LLC has received an international Import Export Award

«Eridon BUD» LLC has received the upscale status «Leader of the Year 2017»

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A new clinic has been opened in Pochuyky, Popelnyansky district, Zhytomyr region

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